Feel good feeding your family wholesome and nutritious beef, raised right here in Leesburg, Ohio. Bigger isn’t always better and that’s no exception with beef. Beef that is hand fed by us from feed grown and mixed by us ensures the cattle get the health & nutrition they need to create perfectly marbled, high quality taste. Kyle has spent his lifetime raising livestock and has a passion for taking care of animals and producing high quality finished cattle. The operation is Beef Quality Assurance Certified and we buy and sell cattle all over the State of Ohio!

We realize buying beef in bulk is a large upfront cost, however, this cost does inevitably save you money. The convenience of having beef on hand and peace of mind knowing you’re feeding your family locally sourced, real protein is unmatched—without preservatives, fillers or hormones.

Know your farmers. Know your food.

If you would like to reserve butcher beef, please fill out the contact form and be sure to include the timeframe you are interested in. Beef is available in the following sizes: quarter, half or whole. Feel free to split with friends & family!

The Buying Process:

Fill out the contact form.

We will contact you with the specifics of the butcher date and answer any additional questions you may have.

Prior to taking the animal, we will verify your order and your contact info will be given to processor on the day of drop off.

Once the processor gives us your animal’s hanging weight, we will invoice you via email. You have the option to pay via a direct link in the invoice email (please note this option is debit card only), Venmo or cash/check delivered to the farm. Payment is due prior to picking your meat up from the processor.

J&L Farm Butcher will contact you for your preferred cut list. You are able to customize your side of beef, including steak thickness, size of ground beef packages, types of roasts, tenderized cube steaks, etc. All meat is vacuum sealed and will be flash frozen upon pick-up.

Processing fees will be paid to the butcher when picking up your order.

J&L Butcher

2342 Union Rd, Medway, OH 45341

Phone: (937) 475-4584

Reserve Butcher Beef